Doors open at 7PM!
$10 at the door
There will be atleast 2 showings of the surf film "Find your flow in Indo".
The first will be at 8:00, and the 2nd showing will be around 9.
-Late March into early April of this year, a group of fellow TX surfers took the trip of their lifetimes, to the pristine tropical waters of the Indian Ocean. We boarded a boat called the "Oasis", and sailed out to the Mentawaii Island chain. We wern't blessed with the best surf, but we were with safe travel, great times, and beautiful scenery. Take a visual journey with us back onboard the "Oasis", and try to "Find your Flow in Indo"!!
Musical performances will be provided by Jurassic Acid and Marshall Influence!
Art provided by:
-Davis Eiermann
-David Davila
-Micah Steph
-Jerry Steph
-Trevor Spofford
-Gabe Prusmack
-Kendal Bayliss
-Kent Chrisman
-John Olvey
-Vic Reilly
-Matt Barker
-G Scott
+HONORARY WALL for the late Greg Cheek!!
+ Hors d'Ĺ“uvres by Peruano Chef Nick Mackrizz!!
Come on out for a good time! Good music with good friends always leads to a good night!
+Prize Giveaways by Neff, Kreed, and WindandWave!
Support your scene!
indo teaser from Nathan Floyd on Vimeo.
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